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Southampton Royal Naval Officer's Association


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Membership Information and Contact Details

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Full SRNOA membership is open to past and present officers of the Royal Navy, the Royal Marines, the former Women’s Royal Naval Service, the Naval Nursing Services and their Reserves. It is also open to officers of the CCF (RN section)

Associate membership is open to widows/widowers of deceased full members and to past and present officers of the Army, Royal Air Force, including members of the CCF (Army and RAF Sections) and Merchant Navy officers.  Associate Membership is also offered to others who have a deep interest in the Royal Navy or Royal Marines and wish to support our Association.


Membership is currently - £20/Year


Joining the Association

Please download and complete the attached application form.  It should then be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary (see below)


Contact Details

Honorary Secretary:  Cdr Anthony Stickland             






                                                           Telephone   01590 644230


                                                                   07928 384393